Sustainable Development​


Sustainable development is an organizing principle that aims to meet human development goals while also enabling natural systems to provide necessary natural resources and ecosystem services to humans. The desired result is a society where living conditions and resources meet human needs without undermining the planetary integrity and stability of the natural system​.

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The European Urban Initiative

Europe is increasingly facing dire urban challenges ranging from the global health crisis and the rise of digitalization to societal inequalities, demographic changes, climate change and environmental degradation. While these complex, multi-faceted challenges fall under different policy levels and sectors, cities serve as the main drivers of delivering innovative solutions for sustainable development in Europe. In this aim, the Urban Innovative Actions was the initiative set up to provide direct support for cities to experiment and test new solutions addressing pressing urban challenges.


Storytelling Videos With Possible Outcomes on Sustainable and Environmental Development

The video talks about COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and sustainable development. It can be challenging to track updates in any one of these areas. When considering their influence on each other, staying current on all the latest developments and their impact on policies, people and the planet can be complex. WRI’s annual Stories to Watch event highlights practical, interconnected solutions to the world’s greatest problems. In this year’s event, President and CEO Ani Dasgupta walks you through the biggest stories of 2022, how they connect and what signs of progress to look for in the months ahead. The world faces an urgent question: will leaders turn promises into action? Stories to Watch not only dives into this question — it reveals which moments in 2022 will determine the answer.


Sustainable Development Methodology

The Sustainable Development Methodology helps policymakers and other users assess multiple development and climate impacts across the environmental, social and economic dimensions. These may include air pollution reduction, job creation, improved health, access to energy, poverty reduction, protection of ecosystems, and more. The methodology can help advance policies that contribute to multiple Sustainable Development Goals and priorities, build support for climate actions by assessing impacts most relevant to national audiences, and inform policy design and implementation to maximize positive impacts and avoid or address unintended impacts. The methodology is applicable to all sectors, policies and actions.


The INHERIT Policy Route Map

Societies' harmful production and consumption patterns impact the environment and well-being. The EU-funded INHERIT project aims to promote sustainable, healthier living in areas like housing, transportation, and consumption. It seeks a 'triple-win' of better health, reduced environmental impact, and improved social equity by influencing policies for healthier and more sustainable societies. The project identifies connections between behaviors, sustainability, health, and fairness. Sedentary jobs, processed foods, stress, and social isolation affect health, contributing to issues like heart disease and mental health problems. The project highlights how lifestyle choices in transport, energy, and diet impact both local and global health and the environment.

Case Study