

The concepts of employment and unemployment are most easily defined for a developed capitalist economy that has a market for wage labour. Employment is defined as working for at least one hour a week for some payment, either for a wage or for profit, or commission, or without pay in a family business. However, this definition usually excludes people (mainly women) who provide unpaid household services. Unemployment is defined in terms of not being employed while being available and looking for work. In less developed countries, where wage labour is not a predominant form of employment, the concept of unemployment becomes ‘fuzzy’: the line between employment in the informal sector (selling cigarettes on the street corners) and unemployment is not clearly defined (Turnham 1993). In most economies, people may not ‘look for work’ when there are no obvious vacancies available and drop out of the labour force (i.e. the participation rate varies). Since the concept of unemployment may not be well defined labour economists sometimes use the concept of employment-population ratios (or the not-employed to population ratio).

Explore the Resources of this Driver

Equal Opportunities and Access to the Labour Market​

This page lists the 6 policy domains under "Equal opportunities on the labour market", part of the European pillar of social rights (1. Skills, education and lifelong learning; 2. Flexible and secure labour contracts; 3. Secure professional transitions; 4. Active support to employment; 5. Gender equality and work-life balance; 6. Equal opportunities​)

EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework

The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, also known as EntreComp, offers a tool to improve the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations. The framework aims to build consensus around a common understanding of entrepreneurship competence by defining 3 competence areas, a list of 15 competencies, learning outcomes and proficiency levels, which current and future initiatives can refer to.

The Growth of Cyber Entrepreneurship in the Food Industry: Virtual Community Engagement in the COVID-19 Era​

This research demonstrates entrepreneurial processes around sustainable business behaviours by focusing on community engagement. It opens a window into the exploration of cyber entrepreneurship in the food industry.​

Jobs Diagnostic Tools

The Jobs Diagnostic Tools page contains a range of useful tools to identify the main jobs challenges faced by a country-especially those that appear to be binding constraints to improving jobs outcomes for poor people and vulnerable communities. Jobs Diagnostic Tools These tools are designed to assist users in conducting jobs diagnostics.