Trust Building


Trust is a two-way street and to build trust students need to feel heard and included. DiCE activities, such as being given responsibilities within projects, mentoring or to be mentored or service learning, teach students to keep their promises, but in return, they learn they can rely on their community. Such bonds between people with different social backgrounds limit conflicts and leverage new opportunities. Trust between communities and students creates links to important resources that help communities get where they want to go (Ricklefs, 2022).

Explore the Resources of this Driver

Building Trust in Communities​

The article describes four types of trust in communities, how and why to build trust and describes community social capital in regard to trust.


Students can become mentors or mentees via an online mentoring programme.

Online Mentoring for Faculty and Students: Creating Community and Enhancing Support​

This live webinar offers insights into mentoring faculty and supporting students in online programs. This webinar provides the rationale for online mentoring, highlights the characteristics of effective online mentors and mentees, presents methods for structuring online mentoring, and details core elements for administering and maintaining online mentoring programs.


Building Trust in Communities​

An interview with community leaders about their success and challenges when building trust between the community and students.

Case Study