Resource Keyword: data

Jobs Diagnostic Tools

The Jobs Diagnostic Tools page contains a range of useful tools to identify the main jobs challenges faced by a country-especially those that appear to be binding constraints to improving jobs outcomes for poor people and vulnerable communities. Jobs Diagnostic Tools These tools are designed to assist users in conducting jobs diagnostics.

APAGS Multicultural Training Database​

Includes a curated collection of links to syllabi, videos, experiential activities, mentorship opportunities and other diversity-related materials to enhance racial and ethnic diversity competencies and provide students with professional development support.​

Measuring Cultural Participation (UNESCO)​

This handbook is a resource for organizations interested in measuring cultural participation, as well as a tool for raising awareness among policymakers. To this end, Measuring Cultural Participation combines theoretical and practical aspects of methodology. This is a challenging undertaking –even more so considering the wide range of data available, research undertaken and the complexity involved in defining ‘cultural participation’ for national statistical systems and policies across the world.

Skills for IT Project Management: The View From EU Frameworks​

A key factor for managing the human side of IT is understanding the essential feature of people's performance: skills. This chapter shows how the recent development of frameworks and standards in the European Union (e.g. EN16234 or ESCO classification) is enabling the powerful exploitation of open big data from existing skills analysis systems for a more precise and solid determination of recommended skills for IT project management. The analysis will especially focus on behavioral skills.​