Resource Keyword: employment

Jobs Diagnostic Tools

The Jobs Diagnostic Tools page contains a range of useful tools to identify the main jobs challenges faced by a country-especially those that appear to be binding constraints to improving jobs outcomes for poor people and vulnerable communities. Jobs Diagnostic Tools These tools are designed to assist users in conducting jobs diagnostics.

European Skills Panorama. Building an Ecosystem for the 21st Century Skills Education in STEM​

The 21st century skills are extremely important in the labour market and STEM graduates’ skills are highly valued. Employers from 29 countries participated in assessing the key employability skills of STEM graduates as needed in the 21st-century labour market. It is essential to identify the skills demanded in the labour market and consider them in the higher education development strategies to ensure the highest possible labour market outcomes for higher education graduates.​

EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework

The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, also known as EntreComp, offers a tool to improve the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations. The framework aims to build consensus around a common understanding of entrepreneurship competence by defining 3 competence areas, a list of 15 competencies, learning outcomes and proficiency levels, which current and future initiatives can refer to.

Equal Opportunities and Access to the Labour Market​

This page lists the 6 policy domains under "Equal opportunities on the labour market", part of the European pillar of social rights (1. Skills, education and lifelong learning; 2. Flexible and secure labour contracts; 3. Secure professional transitions; 4. Active support to employment; 5. Gender equality and work-life balance; 6. Equal opportunities​)

ESCO – Competence job matching​

A method to find the best match between jobseekers and vacant jobs by comparing the knowledge, skills and competencies of the candidate with the requirements of the employer. For successful job matching based on skills and competencies, relevant information needs to be extracted from job vacancies and jobseekers' profiles, analyzed and interpreted. It will enable IT systems to transform a jobseeker's work experience and qualifications into a likely set of skills and competencies.


Launched in 1994, EURES is a European cooperation network of employment services, designed to facilitate the free movement of workers.​ Once you have created your CV, you can proceed to register on the Eures portal and upload your CV onto the platform. Within the portal, you can carry out a search for a part-time, full-time, temporary, seasonal, or permanent job.

Big Data and Skills Frameworks to Determine Recommended Profiled of Soft Skills for IS Development​

This work presents a new approach which exploits existing reference models like ESCO, e-CF and NCSF (NCS Framework) as basis to analyse big datasets offered by tools like the ESCO database with thousands of relations between occupations and skills and the Ovate tool with millions of online vacancies. The combination of information from job market with the opinion of experts from ESCO provides a stronger basis for recommended NCS profiles for ISD professional roles, a promising option for an aspect not extensively explored.​