Resource Keyword: innovation

Testing Future Societies? Developing a Framework for Test Beds and Living Labs as Instruments of Innovation Governance​

An analytic framework for test beds and living labs, which represent an experimental, co-creative approach to innovation policy that aims to test, demonstrate, and advance new sociotechnical arrangements and associated modes of governance in a model environment under real-world conditions.​


OpenIdeo is an innovation platform where people from all corners of the world collaboratively tackle some of the toughest global issues by launching challenges, programs, and other tailored experiences.​

Digital Citizenship: Empowering Community Engagement Through Innovation and Creativity

This conference provides an opportunity for students to present their research in the field of digital communication and society as well as exchange their views with peers and field leaders concerning important contemporary issues. Students share their ideas with the general public and industry leaders developing their public communication capabilities and getting inputs from industry experts.

Creativity and Innovation: Skills for the 21st Century

Creativity and innovation have been highlighted as essential skills for the 21st century. These skills have been valued in different ​ contexts. The purpose of this text is to discuss the notions of creativity and innovation as independent constructs and to discuss the relationships between these concepts according to the scientific literature.

The European Urban Initiative

Europe is increasingly facing dire urban challenges ranging from the global health crisis and the rise of digitalization to societal inequalities, demographic changes, climate change and environmental degradation. While these complex, multi-faceted challenges fall under different policy levels and sectors, cities serve as the main drivers of delivering innovative solutions for sustainable development in Europe. In this aim, the Urban Innovative Actions was the initiative set up to provide direct support for cities to experiment and test new solutions addressing pressing urban challenges.