Resource Keyword: SDGs

Preparing Future Psychologists for the Impact of the Climate Crisis​

University College London prepared a module equipping Psychology and language sciences (PALS) students with the knowledge and skills they will need in their future careers to engage with the threat posed by the climate crisis.​

UNECE ‘Standards for the SDGs’ E-Learning Platform

The UNECE ‘Standards for the SDGs’ e-learning platform is designed to enhance the global understanding of quality infrastructure and its importance for sustainable development. At present, the platform provides courses in Risk Management in Regulatory Structures, ​Conformity Assessment and​ Market Surveillance.​

Youth Engagement in Promoting Digital Innovation to Accelerate the UN SDG 4​

This brief serves as an encouragement to youth engagement in digital innovation to improve the science-policy-society interfaces, and further support the UN sustainable development goals. ​ ​

E-Participation: A Quick Overview of Recent Qualitative Trends​

The paper maps the field of e-participation and related activities, as well as its relationships with other governance concepts. Areas of recent development in terms of e-participation applications are briefly reviewed. The paper selectively highlights conclusions from the literature on different participation tools, as well as a list of key problematic areas for policymakers. ​